Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the hardest is to let go

hi.. though my heart's breaking inside.. i know i will win over this thing.. i sure will with Your help. I i can find better things to think of than these petty shits in my head.. like im always reminded of how shallow our petty arguments are. I dont wanna give him more problems. i know deep inside he's telling the truth that he loves me. but then again the bottomline is, assimilate it, learn from it and then let go.. JUST LET GO... nothing good will come out of your scumbag head whining endlessly of your past and mistakes and freakin worries about the future. Just live a little. loosen up. throw away your worries. Who knows what's gonna happen anyway so dont disappoint further yourself. Your making your own problems, that is your problem. instead of thinking for solution. Just shut up now and hope for the best. Just let go... let go...